Monday, February 8, 2010

Hey Teammates,

I'm sorry I missed the meeting. I knew it was around this time but I forgot exactly when and where and didn't check the blog til now. Pretty typical. Either way, here are my ideas:

1. Missing technology - trash compactor; Replacing technology - launching trash into space

2. Missing technology - toilet paper; Replacing technology - butthole douche

3. Missing technology - vacuum; Replacing technology - electrostatic generator/attractor

I really like the butthole douche idea, but the vacuum one is probably the most viable on my list =)

1 comment:

  1. Ben-

    Choose 2 "strong" ideas outlined by the project guidelines and expand on by next meeting. Ideas must have a clear focus:

    1. Crisis
    2. Response
    3. Missing Technology
    4. Replacement Technology
    5. Ramifications of Technology
